Earth Listening


There is a glow, an irrepressible joy that spontaneously arises within us when we really listen to the Earth, or any of Her myriad forms of life. When we are able to still our mind and start to breathe with Nature….. breathing in the oxygen the trees have just released and becoming aware of them absorbing the carbon dioxide we have just exhaled….. then start to deeply relax…. we begin to realize we really are an intrinsic part of the whole… we actually belong here… we are part of the Earth. From this life changing deep connection we then become able to listen and hear what is the next step we need to take, in our unique capacity as the individual we are right now, to become “the change we want to see in the World” 

Do see our video at:-

Earth Listening is a meeting place for all who love Mother Earth, wishing to work with Her, listen to Her, and offer Her our deepest gratitude, love and a listening ear. It is for people who are tired of living in a society that believes it is separate from and superior to Her, having the right to remove Her sacred deposits for our own benefit, without regard for others in the web of life, and destroying other living beings.

We have been meeting weekly within the context of the Deep Adaptation Forum every Friday at 5.30pm London time for the last 4 years in our Earth Listening Circle. Go to and connect to Events to join us to share with other like minded folk, or email Emma Mary or Sasha. We support each other to listen to Mother Earth and then share what we hear with each other to benefit the whole circle.


Donate: This event is offered in the spirit of the gift economy. If you appreciate this offering and are able to support the Deep Adaptation Forum, please do so here.