Lebanese ELC
bi-monthly gathering, 1.5 hours
Earth listening is a creative heart-soul practice of listening to and communing with the nation of plants, animals and the elements. It brings you closer to your own nature and to all sentient beings. You will be in good company in this gathering if,
● you feel that wider-nature is a sentient kin/friend/companion and holds indispensable wisdom
● you have a deep-knowing that the human, and more-than human world, make up the fabric of each other’s being.
● you wish to rewild your mind in the presence of wider-nature. ● you are interested in the Deep-Adaptation community which fosters mutual support and collaboration in the process of anticipating, observing, and experiencing societal disruption and collapse.
1. We open with ~10 minutes of brief personal statements about what is alive for us at the moment, light candles and offer dedications
2. One member of the group leads a short guided visualization (5-7 min) that launches an encounter with wider-nature and the morethan-human-world. This is followed by 5-10 minutes of silence to give you time to explore your experience on your own, in your own way
3. Following the visualization & silence we share our encounters with each other using words, drawings, a song, writing etc.
4. After the sharings, we witness and reflect on what has emerged in each of us.
5. We close with our blessings or check outs.
When: Starting Wednesday April 12, 7:30-9:00 pm, Beirut, CET +1
Where: zoom, and at a later time, outdoors when a core group forms
Starts: April or when we have a group of 4. Runs for 3 months and is followed by a reflection gathering to see what might come next.
Organizers: Beit Insan+ Deep Adaptation (Earth Listening group)
To Join: Whatsapp +961-70-017-861 or samar.zebian@gmail.com
This event is offered in the spirit of the gift economy. If you appreciate it and are able to support the Deep Adaptation Forum, please do so here: https://bit.ly/DeepAdaptationDonation
The De luge And The Tree
reverberated with joyous accounts:
When the hurricanes swirled and spread its deluge
of dark evil onto the good green land
'they' gloated. The western skies
Reverberated with joyous accounts:
“The Tree has fallen! The great trunk is smashed!
The hurricane leaves no life in the Tree!"
Had the Tree really fallen?
Never! Not with our red streams flowing forever,
not while the wine of our thorn limbs
fed the thirsty roots,
Arab roots alive
tunneling deep, deep, into the land!
When the Tree rises up, the branches
shall flourish green and fresh in the sun
the laughter of the Tree shall leaf
beneath the sun
and birds shall return
Undoubtedly, the birds shall return.
The birds shall return.